Our Process

Initial Review:
Once we receive your site plan through our Job Portal or by e-mail, it is entered into our job queue. Our knowledgeable staff will examine the site plan and view the property site conditions on-line to determine proper engineering plans needed. The job is then assembled by our staff and sent to an engineer for final review and signature. We will send you an invoice for payment upon completion of the project. Once the invoice is paid, we will e-mail you the plans.
We will contact you if we need further information or if we have any questions about your project.
Custom Jobs:
You will be notified if your project needs custom engineering plans. We will give you a quote and timeline for the project. Once the quote is accepted, we require a 50% deposit before any work is performed. Full payment is required upon the completion of the project.
Plan Check Corrections:
Occasionally, the City or County may get back to you with corrections. Your site plan may need to be modified or it may need additional information. Once you make the corrections to your site plan, please submit it to the same web site portal or e-mail that you originally used. These corrections are handled quickly and efficiently. There is a small charge for reopening a job and performing additional work. Most corrections to our engineering plans will be done at no cost to you, unless there are additional plans needed.