Hi! My name is Shanna Lanham, and I am a Project Coordinator. I am a big Dodger fan, and I love going to all baseball games. One day I’d really like to visit all Major League Baseball Stadiums in the United States. I have wonderful childhood memories of playing baseball from age 8 to 17. I made great friends, which I’m still close to. I had great coaches, including my dad, that taught me to love and respect the sport. I am very competitive and l enjoy watching most sports. UFC fighting is quite exhilarating to watch.
I went on my first cruise this year, to the Mexican Riviera for 7 days. Now that was an amazing, and a life changing experience. I’m a very picky eater but I tried all different types of seafood, which was interesting to say the least. I faced a few fears, and met some really incredible people. I will definitely be taking another cruise someday, hopefully in the near future. More locally, it’s cool to just get in the car and drive to San Diego for the day or gamble at the Indian reservations, maybe a fishing trip or comedy show. A few comedian favs of mine is Bob Saget, the late John Witherspoon, and Gabriel Iglesias. Nothing soothes the soul, like laughter.
I’m embarrassed to say, I am deathly afraid of lizards. I’m very aware I am much, much bigger than them, but they still send me running and screaming. I love listening to Rap, and Country Music. I’m obsessed with sappy Hallmark movies, and miniature golfing. If you were wondering, I ALWAYS win!