Hi I’m Todd, I first got into engineering because my Dad picked my first semester college classes while I was unknowingly backpacking through Europe during the summer after High School. I was initially aghast to find myself enrolled in first year calculus at 7:30am in the morning while a freshman attending San Diego State University (at the time #6 on the annual top list of party schools). Lucky for me my long time fascination with science and math carried me through that initial 17 unit semester and it turned out I was pretty good at engineering. Since then I have been a practicing civil engineer in California and a handful of other states helping to provide engineering services to the pool and landscape construction industry with my colleagues at Pool Engineering. On a personal note, I have a beautiful wife named Katrina, and three vivacious children. My favorite food is probably Tacos (any kind, as long as it satisfies the loose definition of Taco), my heroes include Charles Darwin, Kurt Gödel, and Karl Popper. I love Punk Rock music and Chargers Football, and my main hobbies are cooking, hiking, and reading about science and philosophy. My favorite line from a movie is when Dr. Henry Jones Jr., in response to a question asking what are the legendary Sankara Stones replied “Fortune and Glory, Kid…Fortune and Glory”.